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Polytexneiou 21, 54626, Thessaloniki Phones 2310 531663 / 2310 531683 Fax 2310 556712

Floor Scales

Our company manufactures scales of big dimensions in the spaces of her factory, while at the same time imports standardised scales of smaller dimensions achieving thus the relation most excellent product in very good price.

All scales of our company - heavy type or simple floor scales - are checked by our technicians and they are regulated with model weights, accordingly always with the ISO 9001:2000 that our company allocates .

Floor Scale of small dimensions
Floor scales of medium dimensions
Floor Scale of big dimensions
Stainless Scale of Intermediate dimensions
Simple or inox Platform Scale of industrial use
Firm scale of big resistance, steel or stainless manufacture
Scale of special manufacture for weighing of pallets
Special constructions for covering the needs of all professionals



Polytexneiou 21
54626, Thessaloniki
Phones 2310 531663 / 2310 531683
Fax 2310 556712