Find us
Polytexneiou 21, 54626, Thessaloniki Phones 2310 531663 / 2310 531683 Fax 2310 556712


We allocate big variety in weigh-bridges manufactured from concrete, complex weigh-bridges from metal-concrete as well as in weigh-bridges manufactured entire from metal.
For more information regarding to the weigh-bridges that we manufacture and allocate or any other of our products feel free to contact with us and our representative will cover your needs.

Weighbridge full made of concrete
Full Metal Construction, Separated in pieces, easily transfered, in the ground
Full Metal Construction, Separated in pieces, easily transfered, above the ground
Full Metal Construction, Separated in pieces, easily transfered, above the ground
Metal Construction Filled in with Concrete, Separated in pieces, easily transfered, above the ground
Weighbridge with metal frames filled in with concrete, built in the ground
The Only Fully Transportable Weighbridge
The only fully transferable and closed metal weighbridge
Low cost, fully transposrtable weighbrigde




Polytexneiou 21
54626, Thessaloniki
Phones 2310 531663 / 2310 531683
Fax 2310 556712