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Polytexneiou 21, 54626, Thessaloniki Phones 2310 531663 / 2310 531683 Fax 2310 556712

Pallet Weighing

  • Weighing Pallet Scale of Firm Manufacture
  • Internal subdivision 1/300.000
  • Direct clue of weighing of palletiser as soon as are lifted off the forks Includes programs as: freeze (Hold) weight, addition, transformation of weight
  • Allocates rechargeable battery of lead of duration of 60 hours of permanent use Screen LCD of big dimensions with operation blacklight [litted up]

1 tn 0,5 kg
2 tn 1 kg



Polytexneiou 21
54626, Thessaloniki
Phones 2310 531663 / 2310 531683
Fax 2310 556712